Global Firm Leadership
We are a globally aligned leadership team focused on driving success for our clients and our people.
Globally Integrated for Success
The leadership of Lincoln International includes the original founders and a team of professionals who oversee the strategy and performance of the firm globally. The objectives and efforts of the firm’s leadership team are complemented by functional, industry, product and geographic leaders who influence and operationalize the strategy around the world.
Lincoln’s leaders are stewards of our culture and developers of talent, assuring that what clients value most about our offerings and our people endure for years to come.
Firm Leadership

My goal is to inspire and motivate our people to make a true impact with their clients, their colleagues and their communities.
Robert Brown
CEO | Managing Director | GP-Director
My goal is to provide the right financial analysis at the right time to support the Firm’s sustainable financial growth through any economic environment. I focus on managing the Firm’s finances so my partners can focus on providing the best service to our clients.
Ted Heidloff
Chief Financial Officer
I lead strategic initiatives that differentiate Lincoln and drive exceptional results for the firm.
Alysia Tan
Chief Business Enablement Officer