2024 Lincoln International Transportation & Logistics Luncheon

May 2024

We recently hosted a Transportation & Logistics Luncheon in New York, gathering industry leaders and private equity professionals for networking and a panel discussion. The event facilitated a rich exchange of insights on the state of the T&L market. Key takeaways of the event included:


Strategics are actively pursuing acquisitions to build end-to-end solutions with a growing focus on major U.S. ports and cross-border trade lanes as onshoring and nearshoring investments accelerate.


Criticality to invest in the “right” technology (i.e., TMS, AI, warehouse management, automation, drones, etc.) to improve efficiency, productivity, visibility and service.


Shifting global trade patterns and evolving geopolitical tensions pushing a “flight to scale” to work with providers who have broad geographic coverage to quickly respond to “waxing and waning” of global trade.


The industry remains ripe for consolidation and M&A activity is expected to continue to accelerate during the 2H of 2024 and into 2025 as capacity exits and rates reach a “new normal”.

To discuss M&A trends and areas of opportunity in the transportation and logistics sector, please contact one of our senior professionals.


  • Our global team of 20+ professionals have deep sector expertise and close relationships with the most active T&L focused investors to support clients with their most critical strategic initiatives.

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